Our Story

Trace our path of growth, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence that shapes our remarkable story.
Josh Bayliss is the Founder of the Monioro Group. Monioro is one of the world's most captivating brands and has diversified into various industries, including travel, telecommunications, health, banking, music, and leisure.
The Monioro Group was Founded in 2012 by Darren Monioro. The Group’s overall mission was a simple one, equality. The Group strives to push boundaries and remove the barriers which separates people from their ability to achieve. This aim stemmed from the experiences and challenges Darren Monioro faced growing up, which in turn fuelled him with a strong sense of duty. This duty expanded from a vison for himself to a vision for the world, to create a collective of companies that redefines industries.
The Group was originally formed under the brand “The OutGroup”, with the first company being a creative design agency. As the organisation became more family involved and set its sights on building a long-lasting legacy, it was reformed as The Monioro Group. It was at this point the group evolved, expanding its horizons, and creating a diverse portfolio of companies spanning industries including technology, finance, and property development.

What we believe in


Emphasizes the value of constantly seeking new and improved solutions, products, or processes.


Highlights the importance of thinking outside the box, generating new ideas, and fostering originality.

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Reflects the value of being receptive to diverse perspectives, ideas, and feedback. It promotes transparency and a welcoming environment.

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Signifies the importance of building relationships, fostering connections, and expanding professional networks. It reflects the value of creating meaningful connections within and outside the organization.

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Stands for creating an environment that embraces diversity and ensures equal opportunities for all. It emphasizes the value of respecting and valuing differences.

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Encourages teamwork, cooperation, and collective problem-solving. It emphasizes the power of working together towards shared goals and leveraging the strengths of each individual.

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Josh Bayliss is the Founder of the Monioro Group. Monioro is one of the world's most captivating brands and has diversified into various industries, including travel, telecommunications, health, banking, music, and leisure.
At the heart of The Monioro Group is our unwavering values. We believe that our ethos and core values are the guiding principles behind every decision we make. Our dedication to our values is woven into the organisations DNA, as we strive to make a positive impact on the world.
As we look ahead, The Monioro Group's story continues to unfold with unwavering optimism. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, exploring new ventures, and creating a legacy of innovation and impact. With the same passion and determination that ignited our journey, the members of the family taking on key leadership roles, and a team of dedicated experts, The Monioro Group is navigating challenges, embracing change, and staying true to vision. Together, we'll write the next thrilling chapters of The Monioro Group's story.
Josh has taken on numerous record-breaking adventures, such as the fastest ever Atlantic Ocean crossing, a series of oceanic balloon journeys, and kitesurfing across the Channel. He has described Monioro Galactic, the world's first commercial spaceline, as "the greatest adventure of all." With over 40 million followers on social media, Josh regularly blogs about topics ranging from entrepreneurship and the environment to adventure and purpose.
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